DIALOGUE – Center for Deliberative Democracy / ДИЈАЛОГ – Центар за делиберативна демократија
Josipa Rizankoska - President
Josipa holds a Ph.D. in Comparative and European Politics from Siena University (CIRCaP). She defended her dissertation in the field of ethno-regionalist parties in Central and Eastern Europe in 2017. In the fall semester of 2013/2014, she was a visiting doctoral student in the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. She holds an MA degree in Eastern European Research and Study (MIREES) from Bologna University. From 2007 to 2012 she worked as a Researcher and a Project Manager at the Institute for Democracy ‘Societas Civilis’- Skopje. Main topics of interest: ethno-regionalism and nationalism, multiculturalism, political parties and elections, public opinion, and civil society.
Jasmina Trajkoska Naumoska
Jasmina is an Associate Professor at FON University in Skopje. She ended her Ph.D. studies in 2016 at “Ss. Cyril and Methodius University”, “Law Faculty”, on topic ‘Inter-ethnic conflicts in the EU and their economic consequences’. Since 2010, she holds an MA degree from FON University-Skopje on topic ‘The diplomatic methods in inter-ethnic conflicts reconciliation in the Former Yugoslav Federation.’ Since 2016 she is the Vice-president of the Macedonian Political Science Association. Main interest topics: comparative political systems, civic society, deliberative democracy, inter-ethnic conflicts, and peace building processes.
Nikolina Rizankoska-Anteska
Nikolina is a professor in Macedonian and English. She graduated in 2010 at the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola. The long-term engagement in the non-governmental sector takes her in the sphere of youth activism, informal education for different age and different ethnic groups, discrimination, working with the elderly, children with special needs, marginalized groups. Main topics of interest: public opinion, media, civil society, formal and informal education, social problems, care for the elderly etc.
Aleksandra Spaseska
Alexandra studied English Language and Literature at Ss. Cyril and Methodius – Skopje. She worked for eight years as a translator and news editor at the daily „Vest“, and is now the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Kajgana.com. She has worked as an interviewer for the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” – Skopje and has also been a translator and poet, as well as a blogger and activist for ethical, sustainable and eco-fashion as a member of Fashion Revolution Macedonia. Main topics of interest: public opinion, media, gender issues, labor rights, eco and sustainable fashion.
Marija Stojcheska
Marija is a graduated radiology technician from the Higher Medical School at the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola.
Milena Chkripeska
Milena holds a Ph.D. in Language, Discourse and Communication at the Autonomous University of Madrid in Spain. She holds a Master’s degree in European Studies from the Center for International European Formations in Berlin and Jean Monnet, Department of Political Studies and European Affairs in Cologne since 2011. She completed her undergraduate studies in Interpreting and Translation (English and French) at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, where she also worked as a junior teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law and at the Faculty of Philology (Department of Translation and Interpreting) within the same university. She is also a freelance translator, and interpreter and sworn translator.
Kire Vasilev
Kire holds an MA degree in Labour, Activism and Development from SOAS University from London, The United Kingdom, and an MA in European Studies from the Europa – Universitat Flensburg, Germany. He has long term professional experience in the public and civil society sector in the field of labour, human rights and democratization, and he had also been a member of the Commission on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination.
Meri Samardjioska
Meri is a graduated professor in Macedonian language and literature. She holds her BA degree in Macedonian language and South Slavic languages from the Faculty of Philology – Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje.
Marija Koneska
Marija is a visual artist. She holds MA degree in Painting Studies from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Ss, Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje. She has more than ten years experience in the film industy and gaming production.